Sunday, January 27, 2013

Movie Review: The Thieves

Plot: A group of Korean and Chinese frauds/thieves work together to steal a diamond, Tear of the Sun, in Macau.

First Impression: I was actually attracted by this stunning cover, these 10 people walking together down the street. In reality, they are all criminals who are professionals at stealing treasures. Looking at the all star cast, I knew it was going to be an amazing movie.

The Movie:

In the beginning, we are introduced to the Korean crew first. They are stealing something at the very start, so we get to see some great action already. They all have funny nicknames too. Left to right: Pepsee (Kim Hye-soo), Popie, leader of the group (Lee Jung-jae), Enicall (Jun Ji-hyun), the ex-leader Macao Park (Kim Yoon-seok), Zampano (Kim Soo Hyun), Andrew (part of Chinese crew), and Chewing Gum (Kim Hae Sook).

Each member has a unique skill and purpose in the group. However after stealing something in Korea, the police are hot on their trails. So they decide to take Macao Park’s offer and leave for Hong Kong to steal the diamond.


Here’s the Chinese crew (right to left), Leader Chen (Simon Yam), Julie (Angelica Lee), Johnny (Derek Tsang), and Andrew (Oh Dal-soo).

They obviously can’t communicate well with the Koreans because of language. However Andrew is actually a Korean and he speaks both languages.


One of my favorite scenes in the movie, the Korean and Chinese crews meeting for the first time. They obviously don’t like or trust each other. They were actually ready to fight lol. Our handsome Kim Soo Hyun spoke Chinese here! I was so proud of him :’). Even though it was offensive language xD. At this point, the plan is officially starting.


In the movie Zampano has the BIGGEST crush on Enicall, even though she sees him more as a little brother. He looks really hot in the movie, and we get to see him topless KEKEKEKEKEKEKE. He actually has little screen time compared to the other members but he looks beautiful in every single one. There is a kiss scene between him and Enicall, I warned you fangirls.


Enicall is a sexy woman who specializes in wires, well climbing buildings basically lol. She uses her looks to get information from men, and she is one of my favorite characters.


Besides the stealing, there’s also some romance going on. Pepsee and Macao Park actually have a love history and that actually interferes with their plan. Also throughout the film, we are are warned to not trust Macao Park.


Love also blossoms between Chen and Chewing Gum. Short, sweet, and sad… Not going to spoil it.


Pepsee is a professional at picking locks and opening safes. This scene was actually super intense because it was timed. She had only 10 minutes to open this super thick and complicated safe. However nothing ever goes according to plan…

Conclusion: I tried not to reveal too much about the film because I recommend watching it. It’s 136 minutes long but I didn’t get bored at all. There was action at all times and the betrayals between them just makes the plot amazing. The fear of getting caught by the police adds so much intensity. Even though they are criminals I wanted the thieves to escape lol. Korean, Chinese, English, and Japanese were used in the movie so there are subtitles during parts of the film. The little romances in there are also a sweet touch. Writing this review makes me want to watch it again LOL. Don’t miss out, one of the best movies I ever watched.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013: Wonder Girls' Sunye's Wedding


The first idol of this generation to get married.

Congratulations Min Sunye.

It’s sad she wasn’t able to share this special moment with her mother or walk down the aisle with her father.

Sunye’s not my favorite idol nor do I hate her, but regardless of my opinion of her, this is a memorable day for any girl and I’ll congratulate anyone on their wedding.

I don’t understand those people who are more concerned about the guests. Those people who wonder why a certain celebrity isn’t there. Those people who believe this marriage won’t last because someone wasn’t there. What does it matter? 

This is her day with her partner.

Wonder Girls or not, I wish her the best in her new married life with her husband. She’s young, but I genuinely hope they’ll be able to blossom together.

Congratulations, James and Sunye.



Friday, January 25, 2013

K-Drama: Dr. Jin

Warning: Don’t watch it. Don’t waste your time.

Second warning: I didn’t watch the whole drama in its entirety. I did skip and skimmed the episodes. In my defense, it was just so horrible, I couldn’t sit around waiting for things to happen.

That was in a person’s brain as some sort of tumor that was extracted by the brain surgeon - Dr. Jin. That is no tumor. That is some freaky plastic fetus. I don’t remember that well, but I believe that this fetus is telling Dr. Jin that he “must go back”. Scary talking fetus.

That’s Dr. Jin’s girlfriend in a car-truck collision. Unless that truck’s brakes are nonexistent, I found no reason for this accident to occur. She swerved to avoid hitting a car, then stopped out of shock, then BAM, hi truck. If I was that truck driver, I’d have slowed down when I saw a car in front of me swerve like that, then actually brake when I see the car stopped in the middle of the road.

Here we see the courageous Dr. Jin jumping off the top of a building to catch the fetus in a jar after an unknown man tossed it over. What was this doctor thinking? That’s he going to fly back to safety after he reaches the fetus? Who would condemn themselves to certain death for a fetus that’s going to die with them? Wow. Nothing could motivate me to jump off a building like that. Definitely not a fetus.

Dr. Jin ends up going back in time to the Joseon Dynasty and eventually finds himself on the execution stage. No one believed his medical skills were real. The minister gets all red-faced as he orders Dr. Jin to be executed, but conveniently, he collapses. Who do you think is coming to the rescue?
As the episodes go on, more people conveniently fall ill right in front of Dr. Jin. One incident worth mentioning is a guy who randomly comes from off-screen to puke right in front of him as he’s walking. Good timing.

That saying about how killing a bug in the past can have severe consequences in the present doesn’t apply in this drama. This doctor just discovered how to make penicillin. I don’t think he’s getting credit for that in the present (future).

What’s so amazing about this drama is that how everything is timed so perfectly.

Here we have the Queen Dowager’s favored performer falling ill in front of Dr. Jin. In all my skipping and skimming of the drama, I’ve never seen the Queen Dowager step foot outside and the one time I see her out is at this scene.

I want to praise Dr. Jin for his wide medical abilities. I know nothing about medicine, but I had absolutely no idea that a brain surgeon had the ability to perform various types of surgeries and medical practices.

I stopped watching a few episodes later, but I heard that the drama ends with him going back to his rightful era, but nothing is answered. How nice. To go through this horrible drama with no conclusion. Lovely. I was also read the Japanese version is worse. Wonderful.

It’s just a horrible drama. Reminded me of why I hate k-dramas in the first place.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Impression: MFBTY


At first: Honestly I am not familiar with any of the artists in this collab, and I actually only listened to the song because it popped up as a suggestion on my Chinese website. I didn’t know what to expect or what kind of music it will be. Btw MFBTY stands for My Fans Better Than Yours, LOOOOOOOOOOL I like them already.

The mv:

Loving the beginning of the song already, the mv looks…..interesting. I think.

LOL SHE SCARED ME. I seriously wasn’t expecting her to stand there. Btw that dude has some awesome shorts, and why is he hooked up on that machine? Hm.


LOOOOOL. It went from that creepy serious scene to this, HAHAHAHHA. And the song sounds soooo American I think if I wasn’t watching the mv, I can’t tell the difference until the guy started rapping in Korean. They remind of Black Eye Peas.


Ew, hair on the foot. Gross.

Seriously that’s scary. It looks like some mad scientist is experimenting on him and it goes terriblely wrong. He’s going to turn into a monster and eat us all. Oh would this be the time to say: “IT’S ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!”.


…..I didn’t think it can get any weirder, it just did. A piece of meat on his tummy, tiger looking animal, and the next 20 seconds I have no words for it. You just have to watch it yourself.


LOL NOW HE’S IN SPACE. If I was the astronaut I be like why do I have to wear the suit, that guy doesn’t. The world is sooo not fair, grrr.

Oh…that was all a dream, or is it? If it was a dream, I wouldn’t say it was “sweet” at all.

Conclusion: the mv was…very different and felt like a whole new experience. I was mostly scared/creeped out and thinking wtf am I watching. It was very interesting though, I didn’t get bored at all. The song is very catchy, I would listen to it over again. However it was very American, really really reminded me of Black Eye Peas. Even their style reminded me of BEP lol. Nothing was really kpop about it besides that the rap was in korean. I recommand watching the mv, don't miss out on this. OH and my fav lyrics ever “what goes around comes back around, they call it karma, karma”. LOOOL.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

KPOP Scandal: B.A.P's Picture

I heard the “scandal” through a friend. “Scandal”. People must be so bored.


Oh no! Manwhores! Sluts!

Are these the same people who would throw condoms and undergarments at concerts? The same people who would push and kill to get close to their biases at meet-and-greets? The same people who talk about their bodies being ready and their ovaries exploding?

My eyes. They burn. Girls wearing bikinis. Sluts. Have some decency. A picture of guys and girls? The horror. Such a bad example Himchan, Yongguk, and Daehyun is to Zelo. Standing next to girls, tsk tsk.

Remember fellow fans, always dress as if you’re going skiing when meeting B.A.P and stand at least 50 feet away for pictures.

Honestly, I didn’t notice the girls first. I saw Himchan and was scared. Who the hell is that. Then I noticed the girls. Then I realized how ridiculously stupid hardcore fans are.


*Invades Cass’ post* LMAO. THAT’S THE SCANDAL???!!! I wonder what the reaction would be if those two girls were two topless guys.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Impression: Lee Hwan Hee


I heard about this new artist about a week ago, she was introduced as an ex-member of SNSD. I really didn’t pay too much attention to her, but I did feel bad how she was attracting attention due to SNSD lol. Her mv was released today, “Monroe’s Heels” so I decided to watch it. However through the teaser I wasn’t expecting too much

Not even 30 seconds in and I get flashed by her boobs. Great first impression. For a guy that might be a nosebleed moment. However for me, no. Put your boobs away girl. Oh, and she’s pretty, nothing amazing but decent.


That reminded me of Pussy Cat Dolls. Didn’t they wear something similar in their previous mvs? Honestly I hate her concept, marking her as a sex symbol for debut. No. Fail.


LOL kay I’m singing and being sexy on a motorcycle. It looks so uncomfortable.


._. those heels don’t look special. Pretty but…..I seen it at the mall since last year. The backup dancers are wearing the same heels, lol at least give her a pair that stands out. Cheap company.


….so many piercings. I didn’t like her circle lens here, I don’t know, her eyes look very dead and scary to me. I wish it was at least a pretty color, ugh, it bugs me.


LOL, WTF, WHY IS THE WORD DANGEROUS JUST RANDOMLY THERE. I laughed, I really did. These cheap effects are so worthy of facepalming.


Woah, that’s taking camwhore to another level.

Conclusion: the mv was pretty boring to me. I just saw her dance and sing with like a few different outfits. I mean I like mv with some type of storyline in them or interesting scenes. The cheap effects and background was really funny/disappointing. Her song was nothing special either, I can sit through it but I won’t be listening to it over and over. Eh, I think I will probably forget about her in a few days.


My Baby: Daehyun

Quick Bio: Member of B.A.P under TS Entertainment.

This lovely boy is my bias in B.A.P.

I didn’t like him at first. No one in the group appealed to me with their nasty blonde hair. Visual? Busan namja? Funny.

I saw them again in their Power MV. I liked the song, but that was it. Still nothing for Daehyun.
One day, out of boredom, I watched Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P and hello, Daehyun. Welcome to my harem.


From then on, he’s been my favorite B.A.P member. His accent does things to my body. His looks are appealing. His voice melts. Let me love you. Let me buy you ice cream, baby.

When he sings, it’s beautiful. When he speaks, it’s lovely. When he dances, it’s okay. I still love you though.

Keyboard smash. This picture is heavenly. His stare. His hair. Tongue. Hello. I want you. Cuddling you would be acceptable. He looks so young. Baby.

Bias or not, I do not like his bangs up. At all. He looks so much worse. It matters not. I will still love you and buy you ice cream.

I watched Killing Camp and the boy is so chatty and stupid. You embarrass me. It’s okay. You still look good. You’re still my baby.

He’s so cute and sexy at the same time.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

First Impression: B.A.P's "Rain Sound" MV

My babies are back! Again. For the millionth time in a year. I blink and they’re back. Not complaining at all.


Green rain. Green snow. Green dust. Acid rain. Pollution.

That is butt load of eyeliner. Is it because you’re looking down? You can almost compete with GaIn from Brown Eyed Girls.

Hello there, bias. You look smexy. Yes. Look at you glaring. I need to love you.

What are you wearing? Big body, small tiny arms. More like round body. What is that? Why are you wearing that? No.

Baby, are you sure you’re old enough to be wearing that shirt? Korea is butt sensitive about minors and ‘inappropriate’ material. I know your face looks 30, but I don’t think you’re old enough for that shirt.

He always does the masculine scenes. Look at his skinny small arms holding up that chair. Seriously, that cupcake frosting jacket is horrible.

I always wonder what it must have looked like shooting a hand doing something. The person could be wearing a clown mask, but it wouldn’t matter. It’s just the hand that’s going to be shot. I would love to do this to a few people with their heads.

I’m sorry, baby. Really I am. But you look hideous. Scary. Frightening. A little ugly baby monster.

Hand. Chest. Boob. He knows where to touch. I thought it was a female mannequin at first.

It looks like an ammo belt around his neck. To shoot the ovaries of all fan girls? Go right ahead.

I’m shot and possibly dying, but I’m going to continue staring and posing at the camera. Who. Is. Shooting. My. Babies. Let me at ‘em. Die.

Overall: I loved the music more than the MV. The MV made me laugh. Every second. The boys looked very smexy. I was told to “look out” for their acting as they’re acting out sadness and pain for the first time. Okay. Good try. Hate the MV. It was incredibly boring. Hate their acting. Hate everything except them and the song. I’m glad they’ve stopped with their cute bubbly songs. The MV was only worth it because of B.A.P.

