Friday, January 25, 2013

K-Drama: Dr. Jin

Warning: Don’t watch it. Don’t waste your time.

Second warning: I didn’t watch the whole drama in its entirety. I did skip and skimmed the episodes. In my defense, it was just so horrible, I couldn’t sit around waiting for things to happen.

That was in a person’s brain as some sort of tumor that was extracted by the brain surgeon - Dr. Jin. That is no tumor. That is some freaky plastic fetus. I don’t remember that well, but I believe that this fetus is telling Dr. Jin that he “must go back”. Scary talking fetus.

That’s Dr. Jin’s girlfriend in a car-truck collision. Unless that truck’s brakes are nonexistent, I found no reason for this accident to occur. She swerved to avoid hitting a car, then stopped out of shock, then BAM, hi truck. If I was that truck driver, I’d have slowed down when I saw a car in front of me swerve like that, then actually brake when I see the car stopped in the middle of the road.

Here we see the courageous Dr. Jin jumping off the top of a building to catch the fetus in a jar after an unknown man tossed it over. What was this doctor thinking? That’s he going to fly back to safety after he reaches the fetus? Who would condemn themselves to certain death for a fetus that’s going to die with them? Wow. Nothing could motivate me to jump off a building like that. Definitely not a fetus.

Dr. Jin ends up going back in time to the Joseon Dynasty and eventually finds himself on the execution stage. No one believed his medical skills were real. The minister gets all red-faced as he orders Dr. Jin to be executed, but conveniently, he collapses. Who do you think is coming to the rescue?
As the episodes go on, more people conveniently fall ill right in front of Dr. Jin. One incident worth mentioning is a guy who randomly comes from off-screen to puke right in front of him as he’s walking. Good timing.

That saying about how killing a bug in the past can have severe consequences in the present doesn’t apply in this drama. This doctor just discovered how to make penicillin. I don’t think he’s getting credit for that in the present (future).

What’s so amazing about this drama is that how everything is timed so perfectly.

Here we have the Queen Dowager’s favored performer falling ill in front of Dr. Jin. In all my skipping and skimming of the drama, I’ve never seen the Queen Dowager step foot outside and the one time I see her out is at this scene.

I want to praise Dr. Jin for his wide medical abilities. I know nothing about medicine, but I had absolutely no idea that a brain surgeon had the ability to perform various types of surgeries and medical practices.

I stopped watching a few episodes later, but I heard that the drama ends with him going back to his rightful era, but nothing is answered. How nice. To go through this horrible drama with no conclusion. Lovely. I was also read the Japanese version is worse. Wonderful.

It’s just a horrible drama. Reminded me of why I hate k-dramas in the first place.


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