I heard the “scandal” through a friend. “Scandal”. People must be so bored.
Oh no! Manwhores! Sluts!
Are these the same people who would throw condoms and undergarments
at concerts? The same people who would push and kill to get close to
their biases at meet-and-greets? The same people who talk about their
bodies being ready and their ovaries exploding?
My eyes. They burn. Girls wearing bikinis. Sluts. Have some decency. A picture of guys and girls? The horror. Such a bad example Himchan, Yongguk, and Daehyun is to Zelo. Standing next to girls, tsk tsk.
Remember fellow fans, always dress as if you’re going skiing when meeting B.A.P and stand at least 50 feet away for pictures.
Honestly, I didn’t notice the girls first. I saw Himchan and was scared. Who the hell is that. Then I noticed the girls. Then I realized how ridiculously stupid hardcore fans are.
*Invades Cass’ post* LMAO. THAT’S THE SCANDAL???!!! I wonder what the reaction would be if those two girls were two topless guys.
bam! those girls are hot.