Monday, January 7, 2013

First Impression: Super Junior-M's "BREAK DOWN"

First things first. I loved Super Junior-M when Hangeng was still with them. After he left, it wasn’t the same for me. I’m not that loyal to them. Moving on.

The MV set is so bright and white with the lights. Siwon caught my attention immediately. Sir, you seem to have a fancy dead animal on your head.
His bangs are horrible too. What is that. Speaking of him. He wasn’t in the dancing parts. I wonder where he was.

I like Eunhyuk, but that hair. No. The color. Crayon-colored hair? In my entire career of coloring, I have never come across a crayon of that color.

Is that Ryeowook in the back? Why just him? He scared me. Just randomly standing there. Was it essential that he stand back there like a creep?

There’s Ryeowook again. He’s sitting this time. Must have been tired of standing for Eunhyuk’s part.

Oh man. I thought Zhoumi was Leeteuk for a second. It took me a moment to remember it’s Zhoumi. I always thought he looked more like Eunhyuk. Now he looks like Leeteuk.

There’s this one part in their dance where they lift their leg and then spin. Something like that.

It makes me laugh. It’s like their leg is stuck but they have to keep dancing anyways.

I love this random dark room. It’s completely opposite of the bright hospital room. That’s not the reason I love this room. It’s where they’re emo and act cool. They mind their own business but sing and pose when the camera comes at them. I would love to see this. A handful of guys in a small dark room walking and sitting as if in great depressing thoughts then coming alive to pose in front of a camera.

That hair. No thank you. Donghae that is not for you.

They’re so polite. Except “evil maknae” Kyuhyun. Who are they bowing to? So respectful. Look at those 90 degree bows.

Enter the dramatic pillow feathers. Or confetti. I’m going to stick with pillow feathers. PILLOW FIGHT! Now I’m going to think the other members are having a pillow fight around the member currently posing.

The song: The start of the song was decent enough to keep my attention. As soon as it hit the chorus. Good bye. I hate the chorus. It’s catchy, yes. All I can remember is BREAK DOWN! Still hate it. Everything besides the chorus was okay. I probably be willing to listen to the song again if the chorus went away. The sound before the chorus reminds me of a fart. Don’t know why. Just does.

Overall: The MV was simple. The camera gave adequate time for each shot. I didn’t have to concentrate so hard in watching the MV. Easier to listen to the song. The song was meh. It would have been better if the chorus changed. So upsetting. Chorus. Just the chorus. Not a strong comeback considering how long the fans waited.



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