Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rant: Skip Beat Manga


I forgot when I started to chase this manga. I remember I watched the anime and found it absolutely hilarious, totally fell in love with everyone in there. The manga was ofc just as funny as the anime but….WHY IS IT SO LONG. Her development with Ren is starting to move (thank you author) but still, every single chapter ends with the biggest cliff hanger!!! I have to wait for at least a month to read those 30 pages. I still love the manga though, I always squeal like a fangirl by myself over drawings lol. But omg please kiss already -_-. At least they had an intense/sexy scene in chapter 194 (I died after reading that chapter gaaaaaaaah). Where’s Shou anyways? He’s like the comic relief for me while everything for Kyoko and Ren is like…..complicated and serious. I love Kyoko’s role as Setsu right now, especially when she gets jealous and possessive over Cain (kekekekekekeke). Sigh, there’s still so much that needs to be explained. Now I shall go read the latest chapter.


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