Sunday, June 30, 2013

IU's Hair

I became such an IU fan after watching You’re the Best Lee Soon Shin. One thing I’m always so jealous of is her hair. It’s perfect. I want it. Gief. I’m getting a haircut soon and if it looks half as good as IU’s I’ll cry from happiness. Now I shall put upload pictures and make you all jelly with meh.


She’s just so cute ;~;



This pic makes me feel like a stalker for some reason ._.


Bangs is suppose to make someone look cuter/younger right. IU doesn’t need it LOL.

I just want her haaaaaaaaaair *copy and paste my face*

She’ so pretty in red hair too…..(Cassis look it’s your fav hair color)


Hm…I think IU should dye her hair red again some time in the future.

LOL I’m such a fangirl.

Then in order to prove how IU is cute and pretty no matter what u do to her I shall end my post with the picture below.


Friday, June 28, 2013

It’s disgustingly amusing how After School’s pole dancing is allowed while Sistar’s pole dancing was banned.

There’s always some unfairness in k-pop, but it doesn’t make it any less stupid.



Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rant: Skip Beat Manga


I forgot when I started to chase this manga. I remember I watched the anime and found it absolutely hilarious, totally fell in love with everyone in there. The manga was ofc just as funny as the anime but….WHY IS IT SO LONG. Her development with Ren is starting to move (thank you author) but still, every single chapter ends with the biggest cliff hanger!!! I have to wait for at least a month to read those 30 pages. I still love the manga though, I always squeal like a fangirl by myself over drawings lol. But omg please kiss already -_-. At least they had an intense/sexy scene in chapter 194 (I died after reading that chapter gaaaaaaaah). Where’s Shou anyways? He’s like the comic relief for me while everything for Kyoko and Ren is like…..complicated and serious. I love Kyoko’s role as Setsu right now, especially when she gets jealous and possessive over Cain (kekekekekekeke). Sigh, there’s still so much that needs to be explained. Now I shall go read the latest chapter.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Movie Review: Beauty On Duty

Plot Summary: A female cop (Charlene Choi) goes under cover as a beauty pageant contestant to protect the daughter of a key witness.

I know the plot sounds a lot like Miss Congeniality, it’s nothing close to it so don’t even try to compare the two. I was very bored that day so I decided to watch this movie. Most Hong Kong movies I watch are comedies, so I don’t expect much about character development or whatever. This movie isn’t great but it did made me laugh. Since it’s a beauty pageant theme I did get flashed by a billion girls in bikinis (ugh). Of course there was romance (it’s pretty ridiculous but oh wells). The action scenes were good, the main girl fights well. Sandra Ng is another cop in here and she plays her usual annoying but hilarious character. So…I recommend this movie if you are bored during summer and wants to watch something funny.



Friday, June 7, 2013

So, I was re-watching today’s performance of EXO’s Wolf (Oolf) and came to this part…


and thought that was one hell of an idol army. All 12 of them aren’t even comfortably fitted into the screen.
Then I realized…Super Junior had 13 on stage.

And now I just remembered that there’s a group with 17 members debuting?
I don’t want my eye balls to pop out trying to search for a particular eye candy in split second shots during performances so they all better be some mighty delicious candy.

This song is….getting stuck in my head already. Henry did this grand piano intro and whispers “I’m trapped” which totally made me burst out in laughter (it ruined the epic intro for me). Taemin looks sooooooooooo hot, he gets hotter every time I see him *fangirling* When Kyuhyun came out I totally expected him to rap LOL. Typical SM video. I listened to Henry’s mini album and I actually like most of the songs, check it out ;D.


Monday, June 3, 2013

A girl was filming EXO fans lining up to see them perform in Inkigayo, then a Korean fan slapped her because she didn’t wanna be filmed.
The girl filming was amazed at the speed and number of fans but she shouldn’t of made it seem like she was watching a spectacular show. Girls were telling her to stop filming and shouting in informal Korean, well….I see students in the crowd and they take English classes. How hard is it to just say “no camera” or simply “stop”? The girl who slapped the one filming was just rude though. To me both parties were at fault.
