Monday, December 31, 2012

End of Year Special: Hunan TV


This is basicly a Chinese end of year special, there are different ones from different broadcasting companies. Very similar to the Korean gayo daejun, except not as popular. I will NOT be reviewing all the performances because I actually don't know a lot of the celebs that are in the show and I am not interested either. There are two mc teams in the show, and each team has their own performers.
At the end the team that gets the most votes from the audiences wins.
Image heavy.

Starts off with a short film with all the celebrities, and this kid just looks SO ADORABLE all serious :')
The performers are all introduced in that weird greenish blobs. Reminds me of bacteria but okay, their theme I guess. SHINee?!! YAYS! (So sad I'm more familiar with k-pop idols ._.)

(Excuse my ss skills >.<) Anyways these two girls on the chairs opened up the show. They did their own songs than remixes of English songs. I don't know their names sadly but I wanted to comment on the Egyptian theme. That is so weird. Like look at the hats LOL. Poor male dancers, have to wear those heck no costumes. Good singing, but I don't know who you guys are.

萧敬腾 (Jam Hsiao), I heard of this guy but he didn't stay in my  mind. First, what is up with his suit?! Distracted me through out the performance. I did like the violin guy, the live band, and his songs were good. Great vocals, maybe I should look into him. Started off with ballads then catchier songs, danced around the stage in some remix that was like Gangnam Style but it wasn't. It said "Oppa, Zhongguo (China) Style" LOL, I facepalmed. He sang six songs, so I guess that was like his mini concert lol. Woah, suit. I can't... Anyways, it was a good opening for the second team

This singer is 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang), I heard a few of her songs before but I'm not very familiar with her.  Her vocals in the beginning impressed me. Well, Ailee impressed me more but she's good too.

Yup that's her in mid air, thought it was cool how that was part of the show lol. She sang 4 songs, and I liked them all. I really like how she walked around the stage, talked to the audience during breaks in her songs. That was sweet, and she wished them Happy New Year! Aww, I like her already. That was a fun performance to watch :)
杨幂 (Yang Mi) she performed the ost she sang for her drama "Jade Lock Heart Palace". I am not a big fan of her and her singing is average, nothing amazing. It was okay, I can sit through it without wincing too much. I do like her backup dancers lol. Okay moving on.
张柏芝 (Cecilia Cheung) and her ex-husband 谢霆锋 (Nicholas Tse) performed together standing among the audiences. (Omg they should get back together waaaaaaaaah D:)
He should of taken off the sunglasses. Anyways I thought it was cute that they performed in the audience but awkward at the same time because they can't go anywhere lol. Haven't seen them for awhile so that was nice. Good job to both of my long time idols.

Hellooooooooo there, I don't know your name though. He is cute, and me gusta his singing. I shall find out more about him, a potiential candidate for eyecandy post. His song about confession was so cute, come here I'll accept it :) He then sang a duet with another singer, both did a great job. Even though I wish he was louder, he was almost like a backup singer then near the end BAM I hear his voice. However I did enjoyed this performance.


Two cutie pies performing in a row? Good. Not that I approve of  魏晨(Vision Wei)'s style in this album. His theme is outer planet, or "V Space". I think his backup dancers look better, oh wells. And the camerawork, gawd it's annoying. I don't want to see more backup dancers, please focus on him ugh. No need to spin around either, are you drunk? Then he performs a remix of "Gangnam Style" and "Party Like a Rockstar" (I think it's one of his songs?). This Gangnam Style thing is getting old, let's move on already. Okay performance, I think it could of been better.

The awkward moment when you realize it's just a live broadcast from Korea's MBC gayo daejun. Yeah. I thought it was weird how they got the kpop people to perform but it's just a live broadcast. TVXQ wished the Chinese audience Happy New Year and at the end asked for red envelopes. Awww I love you guys, come here I'll give you guys red envelopes <3

Minho and Amber performed "Rockerteer" together, look how cool they are. I hardly ever hear Minho sing, so I was enjoying this performance so much. Amber did great too. Then SHINee and F(x) performed together in teams. Sort of.
Look at my SHINee babies, they are just so cute. Their perf was adorable too. I always love it when groups team up. They sang "Move like Daggers" together and the pose at the end was so adorable!!! Again, cameras I don't want to look at the audience. Too short, wish it was longer lol. Another perf that I really enjoyed.

张卫健 (Dicky Cheung) one of my favorite actors performed. I looooove his voice, always admired how he is such a good singer and actor. It was sort of short but it satisfied me. I thought his clothes were weird but it was actually full of smiley faces lol. Also one of the backup dancers was cute, so many cutie pies around heheeheheheh.

This guy here suffered through a horrible explosion 2 years ago. He hasn't appeared in the media for about two years and it was so touching to see him sing and be back on the stage. 俞灏明 is his name, I don't know his offical English name though. He really struggled through a lot, and perserved through all those hardships. He is left with scars on his body and face. Good job to him, I will continue to support him.

._. Okay sadly I couldn't find rest of the show, or it was only available in Mainland China. It is 4 hours long but I only got to see the first half. I guess this was just a little taste of a Chinese end of year special. Actually I didn't pay attention to their end of year special, I was more interested in the gayo daejuns. Honestly it was better than I thought. I like how they teamed up with MBC and brought some kpop into their show. However the celebs are more well-known in China I think, because I didn't know a lot of them. In conclusion it was fun, wish I could of reviewed the whole thing though. Anyways, Happy New Year!! :)


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